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The Sharp RT-4040 is a stereo cassette deck, it was introduced by Sharp in 1982 with a recommended retail price of USD $370 and discontinued 4 years later in 1986.

The main RT-4040 features are, tape type selection with support for normal and chrome tapes.

Compact Cassette

Historic events

1982 Sony launched the CDP-101 in Japan
1983 Mario Bros. is first released by Nintendo in Japan as an arcade game about an Italian-American plumber
1984 Silicon Graphics begins shipping its first 3-D graphics workstations.
1985 Video8 was introduced, the year that Sony introduced the Handycam, one of the first Video8 cameras.
1986 Pixar founded by Edwin Catmull, Alvy Ray Smith and Steve Jobs.

Features of Sharp RT-4040

Compact Cassette
Head Configuration
4 Track / 2 Channel
Tape Speed
1⅞ ips - 4.76 cm/s
Normal Tape Capabılity Chrome Tape Capabılity
Auto Stop

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Similar to Sharp RT-4040 from the period 1982 - 1986