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The SAE C-3D is a stereo cassette deck, it was introduced by SAE in 1976 with a list price of USD $400 and discontinued 4 years later in 1980.

The C-3D is equipped with, tape type selection with support for normal and chrome tapes.

Compact Cassette

Historic events

1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack incorporate the Apple computer company.
1977 AT&T completes it prototype of cell phone technology.
1978 Nintendo releases its first video game, Computer Othello.
1979 Nike's Air technology patented by inventor M. Frank Rudy is introduced in the Tailwind running shoe.
1980 Dolby C Noise Reduction introduced by Dolby Laboratories.

Features of SAE C-3D

Compact Cassette
Head Configuration
4 Track / 2 Channel
Tape Speed
1⅞ ips - 4.76 cm/s
Normal Tape Capabılity Chrome Tape Capabılity
Auto Stop

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Similar to SAE C-3D from the period 1976 - 1980