Onkyo TA-R260
Dolby B NR Dolby C logo Dolby HXPro Metal Tape

This Onkyo TA-R260 is a auto-reverse stereo cassette deck with Dolby B/C and HX-Pro noise reduction, it was first sold by Onkyo in 1987 with a manufacturer suggested retail price of USD $330 and discontinued 2 years later in 1989.

The main features of the Onkyo TA-R260 are: 2 heads, mechanical 3 digit tape counter, tape type selection and capable of handling normal, chrome and metal tapes.

Level meters used on the TA-R260 are generic digital peak reading meters.

Dolby C-type used in the TA-R260 provides 20 dB of noise reduction above about 1,000 Hz, fully doubling the amount given by B-type. The Dolby HX PRO system provides precise bias control during recording to reduce distortion and improve linearity in the high-frequency range, the result is recorded sound that is highly faithful to the original.

Compact Cassette

Historic events

1987 Sony launched DAT (Digital Audio Tape) as a new audio tape standard
1988 Boeing 747-400's first flight
1989 Introduction of Hi8 video format, an improvement of Video8

Features of Onkyo TA-R260

3-Digıt Mechanical Counter Digital Peak-Reading Meters
Record Protection
Compact Cassette
Head Configuration
2 Head Desiǥn 4 Track / 2 Channel
HighCom NR
Noise Reduction
Dolby-B Noise Reduction Dolby-C Noise Reduction Dolby HX Pro®
Power Requirements
Alternating Current
Tape Speed
1⅞ ips - 4.76 cm/s
Normal Tape Capabılity Chrome Tape Capabılity Metal Tape Capabılity
Auto Reverse Auto Shutoff

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